
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Worth It

Life is too short to wake up with regrets,

So, love the people who treat you right
and forget about the ones who don't.

And believe
that everything happens for a reason...

If you get the chance - take it:

if changes your life - let it.

Nobody said it would be easy....

They just promised it would be worth it~!

via Everything Fabulous

Friday, September 16, 2011

Fall is at the Door

Thought this was worth reposting...going to be a beautiful weekend to decorate your front door and house for the new season~!    Don't you just love it...
the cool, crisp air, the smell of simmering cider,
and the crunch of leaves beneath your feet as you walk.

There's no doubt that Autumn is at the door! Whether you Make it or Fake it, there's no better way to make a warm first impression that than with some Fall Door Decor~!

Here are a few ideas for Autumn wreaths that say to your guests "Come on in~!"

Look at the awesome autumn inspiration found at, Plow &, and Darby Trading Company
Just plain gorgeous, love the delicate elegance!
Not strictly for the birds.
Loving this Lavender~!

This transitional look will go right into the holidays~!
What do you think of these trendy little twigs?


Love the citrus, & it's so hip to be square.


This one is so all about Autumn, adore the apples & spice.

Darby Creek Trading Co.

Love this earthy, rustic look~!

Now, after looking at all this Autumn loveliness you may just find yourself inspired to create some Fall Door Decor yourself. So...take a hike and look for some natural elements to add to your wreath. Here are just a few suggestions:
milk pods
bird seed
indian corn
small gourds
dried hydrangeas
dried roses
berry sprigs
dried herbs
dried grasses
cinnamon sticks
cat tails
small succulents
bird’s nests
pine cones
dried fruit

What a beautiful way to express yourself and the season~!