You know what they say about when life gives you lemons....well sometimes there is just nothing else to do except put it in God's hands and do your best to make some lemonade. Well, life has thrown me a curve and being who I am...I have decided that my lemonade is definately going to PINK...and just might have a little kick to it too~!!
I know I've been lying a little low lately....not that I really wanted to...but sometimes need to take care of yourself and have not been too public on facebook until today as I really did not have many answers...just alot of questions....So here is the deal....
I'm going to cut to the chase and just say it, since I don't know of any other easier way to do it....have had some issues with some fluid in my right lung since late January which was initially diagnoised as pneaumonia. So took care of it....did a spa weekend at San Joaquin Hospital here in town...took a week off as the doctor prescribed...and thought that was it.
Well, not quite.....had a reoccurance of the fluid a few days after going back to work and this time needed to take a deeper look into why. Thank God for wonderful doctors who do their jobs and were very diligent...as all tests and scans were showing nothing...but had surgery to remove the fluid on Feb. 12th which was a Friday so it was a long weekend plus one President's Day waiting on results...but they finally did come and were not what I was hoping to hear. The surgeon had found some very small bumps with his handy scope and they had tested positive for a reoccurance of breast cancer........Sucks....hate that word, but best description there is. So surgery went well and needed to be done, was released, and still feel so good to be home to wait again for more pathology results.....most of you know, I am not a patient person...but sometimes we don't get to choose in life.
Now I must discuss my fabulous family and friends supports system.....you guys are amazing~!! Your prayers, support, shoulders to lean on, love and good thoughts are something that I have no way of explaining in words~! And absolutely is the best medicine that God every inspired and created~!! To those of you that have not known yet....please don't be upset with me for not sharing sooner...I needed some answers and to get my heard around this entire thing as best I could without going really public. I know that the word has spread and I really appreciate all your love and support. I am going to ask one thing of you and that is to keep me and all who are fighting this terrible disease in your prayers...the Power of Prayer is an amazing thing....and it works~!!
I'm going to be drinking Pink Lemonade for a long, long time....maybe we need to add a little Grey Goose~! Well, with or without the GG...it tastes pretty damn good~!!